CWP R1A Midterm Assignment: Documenting the Writing Process
For your midterm assignment, you will be creating a page on your Weebly account to collect together various reflections on different aspects of the writing process. The purpose of your page will be to demonstrate your working knowledge of different stages in the writing process.
Because this is a midterm assignment, it would make sense in all three of the sections to discuss any relevant strategies related to the writing process that you learned in class and employed in writing your essay, and/or the authors and texts that these ideas evolved from.
Your midterm is divided into three sections, and each section should be completed in conjunction with one of the first three essays. All three sections should be around 300 words each and include images.
Given the nature of the assignment, and the potential for uploading images of your essay, it is even better if you can show where in your work these practices are most visible and explain how they applied to your essay writing.
I made this site to help visually represent what the project might look like.
Below is a sample diagram that shows an example of how you might structure the assignment. You can insert images of handwritten documents like outlines, free writes, rough drafts, peer editing response sheets, etc. onto your page by dragging and dropping the "Images" element onto the page from the left hand menu while working in the "Build" tab, and then uploading pictures taken with a camera or cell phone (note: just ask me if you need me to take pictures and send them to you). You can also upload screenshots this way.
You can also link to a Google Doc or PDF or other document by adding a button or image, like this:
File courtesy of Dilain Saparamadu