"Ramona" Audio Archive Page
This site contains numerous adaptations of the song "Ramona." The song was written for Edwin Carewe's 1928 version of the film of the same name, which stars actress Dolores del Rio. It was among the first films by United Artists to have a dedicated soundtrack that was played alongside the picture. Dolores del Rio recorded two versions of the song, one is English and one in Spanish. Not included on the soundtrack, these songs were released for enjoyment in the home, and were also performed live during promotional tours across the U.S. While the English version is the only one that seems to have survived, MANY other Spanish language versions of the song were created in the following months and years, and almost all with different lyrics. This page also contains versions of the song in Italian, French, Polish, and German, suggesting the success and popularity of the song, the film, and the novel across the globe. The songs provided here represent the very incomplete sample of what survives today from a much more robust history of recordings. Feel free to contact me for more details on specific recording dates and linguistic lineages.
Theme in English:
Theme in Spanish:
Theme in Other Languages: